Los Angeles - American comedian Seth Meyers has recently been blessed with the second child of his wife, Alexi Ashe. But his son's delivery process turned out to be dramatic, taking place in the lobby of the apartment without medical help.
It is told Seth Meyers in the event he guided, Late Night with Seth Meyers, which was re-uploaded in the YouTube account of this event, Tuesday (10/4/2018). Reporting from E! News, Seth Meyers said that the labor process that occurred on Sunday, 8 April this, happened unexpectedly.
On Sunday morning, Seth Meyers and his family still had breakfast together, even a walk in the park.
But shortly after, when Seth Meyers was feeding her first child, she was startled by her mother-in-law who came rushing. Apparently his wife is about to give birth.
Shouts Wife
Seth Meyers also hastily ordered Uber to take his wife to the hospital. "My wife is in great pain, it seems like she has a long contraction," Seth Meyers said.
Upon reaching the lobby, Seth Meyers' wife confesses she can not take it anymore. Suddenly the wife shouted, "The baby came out! The baby came out!"
Hide Baby in Pants
Seth Meyers joked that his wife looked like he was hiding a baby in his pants. "Looks like it's going to sneak a baby onto a plane."
In the midst of panic, labor took place in the lobby of the apartment, without medical help. "I immediately called 911, and during that one minute phone conversation I said," We'll have a baby! We'll have a baby soon! We already have a baby !, "he said illustrating that the delivery is relatively fast.
Officer Damkar and Police Come
Seth Meyers also thanked the police officers and firefighters who arrived moments after the baby was born, and immediately cut off the baby's umbilical cord. The wife was immediately taken to the hospital and get medical help.
In addition to officers, Seth Meyers also thanked the neighbors who helped him.
He then closed the story with half joking. "Everything's going well, of course it's crazy, and the damn Uber driver is still asking for a fee."
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